Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Modifying the Steam Powered Car

Problem: Steam powered car runs well below its potential.

Claim: Significant reduction of unnecessary metal weight in the chassis will greatly improve the acceleration and speed of the steam powered car built in the lab section of ENG 198.

Grounds: The steam powered car has a lot of excess metal whichi s non-vital to its functionality.

Warrant: The power for the propulsion of the steam powered car comes entirely from pressure build up in the boiler caused by the burner, and is not enhanced by the metal surrounding the car.

Backing: Newton's Second Law, F = ma. As the force from the boiler is unchanging between controlled and comparable experiments, the acceleration becomes inversely proportional to the mass of the car. As the mass of the car increases, the acceleration and thus maximum velocity decreases.

Qualifier: Near certain, provided the reduction of chassis does not compromise the structural integrity of the steam powered car.